Firearm-related injuries are the leading cause of death among children and adolescents. The increase in school shootings, firearm access, and carriage in schools makes firearm injury prevention within schools central to promoting youth safety. Anonymous reporting...
Background Firearm violence is an American public health crisis that negatively impacts children and disproportionately affects Black youth. Few firearm injury prevention programs have been described in pre-adolescent children. The Future Healers Program is a novel...
In the United States, unintentional injury is the fourth leading cause of death among infants (i.e., children aged <1 year) and is the top cause of death among children and adolescents aged 1–17 years; firearms are a leading injury method. Unsecured firearms (e.g.,...
Objectives Despite the high incidence of firearm injuries, little is known about health care utilization after nonfatal childhood firearm injuries. This study aimed to describe health care utilization and costs after a nonfatal firearm injury among Medicaid and...
Objective Violent injuries are a common reason for pediatric emergency department (ED) visits, with gun violence being the leading cause of violent death among children. The objective of this study was to assess for patterns of pediatric ED usage that are associated...