Deadly but protective: Americans’ unique perception of weapons

Global levels of violence are declining, yet gun violence and other instances of instrumental violence still occur. While previous research has examined motivations for owning firearms, cognition about firearms—and in particular, perceptions of weapons as affording...

Guns and gender-based violence in South Africa

Background The criminal use of firearms in South Africa is widespread and a major factor in the country having the third-highest homicide rate in the world. Violence is a common feature of South African society. A firearm in the home is a risk factor in intimate...

Youth suicide in New South Wales: urban-rural trends

Objective The study tested the hypotheses that (i) the rate of suicide by firearms among youth (aged 10-19 years) is increasing at a greater rate than rates of suicide by other methods; (ii) the rate of youth suicide in rural New South Wales is significantly higher...
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