In the United States the laws regulating the carrying of firearms in public vary state-to-state. In a highly publicized event, the Governor of New Mexico recently issued an emergency order temporarily banning the carrying of firearms in some areas – and thus...
Introduction Gun buyback programmes have been popular in the USA since the 1970s. Studies show that they have no effect on citywide gun crime rates, but more microlevel examinations around gun buyback locations have not been conducted. This study tests for local...
Intro The high rates of gun violence in the United States are a recognized public health concern with increased attention since the 1990′s. The predominant studies used in gun violence research have been epidemiological approaches and quantitative analyses. This...
Research Summary We apply the microsynthetic control method to evaluate the gun violence prevention effect of gunshot detection technology (GDT) in Kansas City, MO. We measure the influence of GDT on process measures (ballistic evidence collection and gun recoveries)...
Research Summary We utilized the synthetic difference-in-difference method to estimate the impact of adopting a permitless concealed carry weapons (CCW) law on rates of assaults, robberies, and homicides committed with a firearm and by other means,as well as weapons...