Community gun violence disproportionately impacts youth in low-income urban neighborhoods. Integrating trauma-informed mental health care in community-based out-of-school time (OST) programs is an innovative method of service delivery for these youth. This article...
Background Current research on firearm violence is largely limited to patients who received care in emergency departments or inpatient acute care settings or who died. This is because standardized disease classification codes for firearm injury only represent bodily...
Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States (U.S.), with firearms being the predominant method. This study examines the racial disparity and disproportionality of pediatric firearm suicide from 2014 to 2018 in 17 U.S. states. We used the National Violent...
We aimed to explore perspectives of teenagers on their exposure to gun violence (GV), their knowledge and attitudes towards firearm injury prevention (FIP) efforts, and how to counsel them about FIP. Teens from two single-sex Bronx Catholic high schools participated...
Background Despite growing evidence about how state-level firearm regulations affect overall rates of injury and death, little is known about whether potential harms or benefits of firearm laws are evenly distributed across demographic subgroups. In this systematic...