The decade of the 1990s witnessed unexpected but welcome large declines in homicide and serious firearms violence. Yet, despite these declines, rates of firearms crime in the United States remain high compared to other western democracies and impose significant costs...
Indianapolis experienced record levels of homicide in the mid-1990s. Officials decided to use a problem-solving strategy that modeled a successful program implemented in Boston. The Indianapolis Violence Reduction Partnership involved a coalition of criminal justice...
We assessed the effect of the One Vision One Life program on violence by comparing target areas with comparison areas constructed by propensity scores and by program staff recommendations, and by examining areas adjacent to the target areas. We found the program was...
This study examines whether the homicides committed by far-right loner extremists (herein “loners”) are different from a comparison set of homicides committed by other types of far-right extremists in the United States.1 The database that is used includes all...
Research Summary This evaluation of a directed police patrol project utilizes a pre-post quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group as well as an interrupted time series analysis. The results suggest that directed patrol had an impact on firearms...