Importance The burden of firearm violence in US cities continues to rise. The role of access to trauma center care as a trauma system measure with implications for firearm injury mortality has not been comprehensively evaluated. Objective To evaluate the...
Background Federal law requires background checks for firearms purchased from licensed dealers, but states can extend requirements to private sales of handguns and purchases at gun shows (universal background checks for handguns [UBC-HG]). Although firearm homicide...
Objective We sought to determine whether state firearm legislation correlated with firearm-related fatality rates (FFR) during a 15-year period. Background The politicized and controversial topic of firearm legislation has been grossly understudied when the...
Background Restrictive firearm legislation has correlated with decreased overall firearm fatality rates, but not with firearm-related homicide or firearm mortality among Black Americans. We hypothesized that firearm trafficking from states with less restrictive...