Injuries due to firearms in three cities

Injuries due to firearms are a major health problem in the United States. Although several studies have documented the impact of firearm-related deaths, little is known about the epidemiologic characteristics of nonfatal gunshot wounds. Hospital records have been used...

Injuries and deaths due to firearms in the home

Objective Determine the relative frequency with which guns in the home are used to injure or kill in self-defense, compared with the number of times these weapons are involved in an unintentional injury, suicide attempt, or criminal assault or homicide. Methods We...

The epidemiologic basis for the prevention of firearm injuries

In the United States, more than 1 million people died because of firearm injuries (72, 78) between 1933 and 1987. In 1986, firearms were second only to motor vehicles as a cause of fatal injury and ranked seventh among all causes of death (28). During 1986 and 1987,...

Suicide in the Home in Relation to Gun Ownership

Background It has been suggested that limiting access to firearms could prevent many suicides, but this belief is controversial. To assess the strength of the association between the availability of firearms and suicide, we studied all suicides that took place in the...

Risk factors for violent death of women in the home

Objectives To determine risk factors for violent death of women in the home, and particularly, to assess the strength and direction of any association between domestic violence or keeping firearms and homicide or suicide in the home. Methods Subgroup analysis of a...
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