Data from 26 industrialized countries are compared to understand the incidence of firearm-related and non-firearm-related homicide among children under 15 years of age. Comparisons were made between rates per 100,000 children for each country and for the United States...
This article is intended to provide a better understanding of the incidence of violent deaths among children under 15 years of age in highly industrialized countries/areas. We found that rates of violent childhood deaths are not uniform in the industrialized world and...
Few cross-national reports have examined suicide rates among adolescents and young adults. A survey of suicides among 15-24-year-olds in 34 of the wealthiest nations demonstrated that 15,555 youths killed themselves in a 1-year study period. Thirty-four percent of...
Background The Forty-Ninth World Health Assembly recently declared violence a worldwide public health problem. Improved understand of cross-national differences is useful for identifying risk factors and may facilitate prevention efforts. Few cross-national studies,...