Chicago’s CeaseFire program is an evidence-based public health approach to preventing gun violence. Baltimore is one of many US cities attempting to replicate the program. We compared changes in the number of homicide and nonfatal shooting incidents per month in four...
While many handguns are used in crime each year in the USA, most are not. We conducted this study to identify factors present at the time of a handgun’s most recent retail sale that were associated with its subsequent use in crime under circumstances suggesting that...
Background Access to firearms among delinquent youths poses significant risks to community safety. The purpose of the study was to describe how a group of criminally involved youths obtained guns. Methods Youths were randomly selected from a juvenile justice facility...
Such studies include a 1998 study by economist John Lott, Jr. and a study by criminologists Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz. The argument by Lott and other proponents of permissive gun-carrying laws is that if more people could legally carry guns in public spaces, criminal...
Prior to 1999, dramatic fluctuations in homicide rates were driven by changes in the rates of firearm homicide among men aged 15–24. Since 2000, the overall homicide rate has appeared stable, masking any changes in population subgroups. We analyzed recent trends in...