The strength of research designs is relative. Compared with true experiments, quasi-experimental designs are weak. Compared with cross-sectional designs, they are strong. One can further strengthen inferences from quasi-experiments by examining a broader pattern of...
By any measure, firearms — especially handguns — are a leading instrument of violent injury. In 1987, firearms accounted for 32,919 fatalities in the United States: 18,144 suicides, 12,665 homicides, and 2110 unintentional fatalities, legal interventions (killings by...
Estimates of the incidence of victim gun use from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) are consistently lower than are those from other studies. To examine the divergence, we conducted a survey that gauged the impact of methodological differences between the...
Mandatory sentences for crimes committed with a gun are a popular policy because they promise a reduction in gun violence at a relatively low cost. In this article we present some results of a study of the implementation of such a law in Detroit, Michigan. Two major...
In the area of firearms policy, no measure has received more legislative attention than mandatory minimum sentences for felonies committed with a gun. At the latest count, fifteen states had adopted such a law, and a dozen or so more were considering it. On the...