Research Summary This article examines the use, impacts, and regulation of assault weapons and other high-capacity semiautomatic firearms as they pertain to the problem of mass shootings in the United States. High-capacity semiautomatics (which include assault weapons...
This study evaluated a police-led community initiative that combined various enforcement and prevention efforts to reduce gun violence and other violence in a selected area of St. Louis, Missouri. A quasi-experimental multiple time-series design was used to compare...
Despite the advancement of hot spot policing in research and practice, more effort is needed to develop and institutionalize hot spot strategies and to make problem places a more central focus of everyday police operations. To this end, we advocate a ‘case of place’...
Six of the seven tests (not all of which were independent) suggest that directed patrols reduced gun crime in high-crime places at high-risk times. The Colombian studies, which were based on before and after changes from repeated interventions measured at the city...
Purpose The purpose of the study is to examine gun violence prevention practices among urban police in the USA, assessing their scope, effectiveness, limitations, and impacts. Design/methodology/approach A national survey was conducted with police agencies serving...