Workplace Homicides Among U.S. Women: The Role of Intimate Partner Violence

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Workplace Homicides Among U.S. Women: The Role of Intimate Partner Violence

Category: Domestic Violence, Homicide, Women|Journal: Annals of Epidemiology (full text)|Author: H Amandus, H Tiesman, J Coben, K Gurka, S Konda|Year: 2012

Between 2003 and 2008, 648 women were feloniously killed on the job. The leading cause of workplace homicide for U.S. women was criminal intent, such as robbing a store (n = 212; 39%), followed by homicides perpetrated by a personal relation (n= 181; 33%). The majority of these personal relations were intimate partners (n = 142; 78%). Over half of workplace homicides perpetrated by intimate partners occurred in parking lots and public buildings (n = 91; 51%).

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