Violent death in Connecticut, 2001 to 2004

GVPedia Study Database

Violent death in Connecticut, 2001 to 2004

Category: Homicide, Suicide, Unintentional|Journal: Connecticut Medicine|Author: E Gelven, G Lapidus, H Carver, K Borrup, L Banco|Year: 2008

We reviewed medical examiner, law enforcement, crime laboratory data, and death certificates on all 1,530 violent deaths (homicide, suicide, undetermined firearm) in Connecticut occurring from 2001-2004. There was an average of 383 deaths (rate = 11.2 deaths per 100,000 persons annually). Overall, males aged 20 to 29 were at the greatest risk of violent death (rate = 30.5/100,000). Of all violent deaths 72% were suicides and 28% were homicides. Firearms were used in 33% of suicides and 58% of homicides. The rate of violent death is lower than most other states in the country. In Connecticut suicide is the leading cause of violent death overall; however, in areas characterized by the highest levels of poverty and lowest levels of education, homicide is the leading cause of violent death.

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