Using quasi-experiments to evaluate firearm laws: comment on Britt et al.’s reassessment of the D.C. gun law

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Using quasi-experiments to evaluate firearm laws: comment on Britt et al.’s reassessment of the D.C. gun law

Category: Firearm Availability, Firearm Policies, Homicide, Suicide|Journal: Law & Society Review|Author: B Wiersema, C Loftin, D McDowall|Year: 1996

The strength of research designs is relative. Compared with true experiments, quasi-experimental designs are weak. Compared with cross-sectional designs, they are strong. One can further strengthen inferences from quasi-experiments by examining a broader pattern of data. We agree with Britt, Kleck, and Bordua when they recommend that researchers expand the range of inquiry. We disagree with them when they recommend that researchers restrict it. The District of Columbia study is largely consistent with the available evidence, but it does not prove that restrictive handgun licensing will always reduce firearm deaths.

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