Trends in Violence Research: An Update Through 2013

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Trends in Violence Research: An Update Through 2013

Category: Homicide, Injury|Journal: Psychology of Violence (full text)|Author: J Grych, R McDonald, S Hamby|Year: 2014

Trendspotting has its place in the scientific world. It is 1 way of recognizing the uptake of innovations, and observing broad patterns rather than focusing on particular topics also helps to address the problem of knowledge management in an era of information overload. Using Google Scholar, we tracked scholarly publications in a variety of violence topics from 2008 through 2013. We found increases in technology-related topics, such as cyberbullying, and technology-intensive methodologies, such as experience sampling. We also found an uptick in the consideration of co-occurrence among forms of violence. On the other hand, there was evidence that some important but harder-to-study areas are not receiving comparable attention, such as home visitation, safety planning, and batterer intervention. Prevention scholarship shows a varied pattern but generally lags behind studies on risk factors and consequences. The field could benefit from more investment in prevention and intervention research and more scientific and technological innovation.

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