The Relationship between Firearm Ownership and Violent Crime

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The Relationship between Firearm Ownership and Violent Crime

Category: Crime, Firearm Availability, Homicide|Journal: Justice Policy Journal (full text)|Author: C Bergner, M Moore|Year: 2016

Criminologists and other researchers have attempted to understand whether there is a connection between firearm prevalence and crime. Some experts have argued that prevalence of firearms increases crime, while others have argued it reduces crime. The purpose of this study was to further investigate and clarify this relationship. The current analysis used suicide by firearm as a proxy for firearm ownership. Examining violent crime, homicide, rape, robbery, and assault for 1,997 counties in the United States, the findings indicate that increased prevalence of firearms was associated with increased violent crime, homicide, rape, robbery, and assault. The results of this study suggest that a decrease in prevalence of firearms has the potential to decrease violent crime in the United States.

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