The Impact of Poverty, Fear of Crime, and Crime Victimization on Keeping Firearms for Protection and Unsafe Gun-Storage Practices: A Review and Analysis with Policy Recommendations

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The Impact of Poverty, Fear of Crime, and Crime Victimization on Keeping Firearms for Protection and Unsafe Gun-Storage Practices: A Review and Analysis with Policy Recommendations

Category: Behavior, Firearm Availability, Youth|Journal: Urban Education (full text)|Author: E Vacha, T McLaughlin|Year: 2000

This article reviews the literature with regard to firearms accidents among low-income, urban children younger than 13. The tendency of low-income families to keep unsecured protection guns may contribute to the higher rate of firearms accidents among low-income children. The evidence suggests that the decision to keep a gun for protection is largely a practical response to the conditions a person perceives in his or her neighborhood. Reducing the consequences of risky gun behavior among low-income families requires policies and programs that eliminate experiences associated with such behavior and that train children to recognize and avoid risky gun situations.

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