Suicide is a complex human behavior that remains an important mental health problem in Turkey and also in the world. Biological, psychological, social, genetic, environmental, economic, cultural and situational factors are known to interact with each other occur suicide so that preventive mental health is essential to stop this behavior.
In this study, completed suicide statistics about the causes and methods between 2002–2013 years under the age 19 were used, published by the Turkey Statistical Institute (TSI). Analyses were performed using chi-square and log-linear methods in SPSS 21.0 software package.
The crude suicide rate in Turkey has been increasing year by year.Completed suicides was higher among females in the years 2002, 2003, 2006. The most common causes of completed suicide in boys under age 15, was family problems while in girls was education failure, the most common reasons was economic factors for males in the 15–19 age group, while that of girls was family problems. The most common method of suicide in boys was hanging, while that of girls was firearm under 15 years of age, between the ages of 15–19 hanging for boys and the chemicals for girls was the most seen methods.
It is essential to reduce the rate of suicide among child and adolescent so that prevention methods should be planned according to to age and gender outcomes of completed suicides.