At Both Ends of the Gun: Testing the Relationship Between Community Violence Exposure and Youth Violent Behavior

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At Both Ends of the Gun: Testing the Relationship Between Community Violence Exposure and Youth Violent Behavior

Category: Behavior, Youth|Journal: Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology|Author: C Halliday-Boykins, S Graham|Year: 2001

Much psychological inquiry has focused on understanding the contribution that exposure to urban violence makes to violent behavior among youth. However, other ways in which these variables may be related have been largely overlooked. This study compared four alternative social–ecological models of the link between community violence exposure and violent behavior to determine the degree to which (1) community violence exposure contributes to violent behavior, (2) violent behavior contributes to community violence exposure, (3) both are consequences of common antecedents, and (4) both are manifestations of the same higher order construct. Two hundred and seventy-seven adolescent offenders were interviewed about family, neighborhood, cognitive, and peer characteristics, in addition to violent behavior and community violence exposure. Results suggest that a plausible way to understand the association between community violence exposure and youth violent behavior is to consider both as representations of a general involvement in violence.

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