This paper had two objectives. First, to examine the association between gun availability, gun homicide, and homicide in a manner that better accounts for potential simultaneity than previous cross-national research. Second, to examine the manner that the relationship between gun availability and violence is shaped by socio-historical and cultural context. The results lend little support to the notion that gun availability operates uniformly across nations to influence levels of violence. Rather, these results suggest that the nature of the relationship between gun availability and violence is shaped by the socio-historical and cultural processes occurring across nations.
Reassessing the Association between Gun Availability and Homicide at the Cross-National Level
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Reassessing the Association between Gun Availability and Homicide at the Cross-National Level
Category: Firearm Availability, Homicide, International|Journal: American Journal of Criminal Justice|Author: I Altheimer, M Boswell|Year: 2012