Prospects and Challenges in Implementing Firearm-Related Injury Surveillance in the United States: Not a Flash in the Pan

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Prospects and Challenges in Implementing Firearm-Related Injury Surveillance in the United States: Not a Flash in the Pan

Category: Injury|Journal: American Journal of Preventative Medicine|Author: D Koo, G Birkhead|Year: 1998

If there were any doubts that injuries, in general, and firearm-related injuries, in particular, represent a health problem to be addressed in a public health framework in the United States, the articles in the current supplement to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine should put them to rest. These articles describe the efforts of public health professionals to conduct and evaluate public health surveillance for firearm-related injuries. By adopting the rubric of surveillance, the cornerstone of public health practice, and thereby moving away from simply conducting studies of firearm injuries, the authors place prevention of firearm-related injuries squarely in the mainstream of traditional public health efforts.

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