Current research on illegal acquisition and the impact of related policies illustrates that there are policies that effectively reduce diversion and have positive impacts on firearm-related violence. However, there is a paucity of research that use strong study designs and clearly identifies specific policy impacts pertaining to diversion and illegal acquisition of firearms. Future research is needed that further elucidates transactions that facilitate a gun’s entry into an underground market and the role and impact of policies regulating these transactions.
Policies to Prevent Illegal Acquisition of Firearms: Impacts on Diversions of Guns for Criminal Use, Violence, and Suicide
GVPedia Study Database
Policies to Prevent Illegal Acquisition of Firearms: Impacts on Diversions of Guns for Criminal Use, Violence, and Suicide
Category: Crime, Firearm Availability, Firearm Policies, Gun Markets, Homicide, Suicide|Journal: Current Epidemiology Reports (full text)|Author: A McCourt, C Crifasi, D Webster, M Booty|Year: 2019