Peers and Gun Use Among Urban Adolescent Males: An Examination of Social Embeddedness

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Peers and Gun Use Among Urban Adolescent Males: An Examination of Social Embeddedness

Category: Behavior, Firearm Availability, Youth|Journal: Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice (full text)|Author: B Williams, D Wilkinson, K Bell, M McBryde, S Bloom|Year: 2009

Youth gun violence is most often a group phenomenon yet most empirical examinations ignore this fact. Using interview data with 416 violent male offenders from two disadvantaged New York City neighborhoods, this paper examines the roles that the peer contexts play in explaining the nuanced patterns of respondent gun-related behaviors. We hypothesize that respondents who are comparatively more embedded in networks of peers who carry and use guns will also report greater involvement in serious gun violence. We found that guns were equated with self-protection and the most prevalent reason given for possession and carrying behaviors of peers. Belonging to a group of associates was also perceived to have protective value. Guns and armed peers played a role in heightened risk for lethal conflict. Peers are involved as co-offenders in the majority of gun events reported. We discuss the implications of our findings for violence intervention policy and future research.

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