Occupational Homicides of Law Enforcement Officers, 2003–2013: Data From the National Violent Death Reporting System

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Occupational Homicides of Law Enforcement Officers, 2003–2013: Data From the National Violent Death Reporting System

Category: Homicide|Journal: American Journal of Preventive Medicine (full text)|Author: C Betz, J Baumgardner, J Blair, K Fowler|Year: 2016

A total of 128 officer homicides from 121 incidents were identified. Most (93.7%) LEO victims were male, 60.9% were aged 30–49 years (average age, 40.9 years). Approximately 21.9% of LEOs were killed during an ambush, and 19.5% were killed during traffic stops or pursuits. Of the 14.1% of LEOs killed responding to domestic disturbances, most disturbances were intimate partner violence related. More than half (57.0%) of homicides were precipitated by another crime, and of these, 71.2% involved crimes in progress. Most suspects were male. Ninety-one percent of homicides of LEOs were committed with a firearm.

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