A Link to the Past: Race, Lynchings, and the Passage of Stand-Your-Ground Laws

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A Link to the Past: Race, Lynchings, and the Passage of Stand-Your-Ground Laws

Category: Firearm Policies, Stand Your Ground & Castle Doctrine|Journal: The Sociological Quarterly|Author: D Jacobs, J Dirlam, T Steidley|Year: 2020

What social and political factors explain the presence of Stand-Your-Ground (SYG) laws in US. states? This paper assesses the influence of crime and violence prevalence, minority threat theory, and self-help theory on SYG law adoption using discrete-time event-history analysis. Our findings indicate that these laws are linked to a violent vigilante and racially animus past. We also find evidence for minority threat theory with minority presence positively associated with SYG law adoption.

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