Judicial Dispositions of Ex-Parte and Domestic Violence Protection Order Hearings: A Comparative Analysis of Victim Requests and Court Authorized Relief

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Judicial Dispositions of Ex-Parte and Domestic Violence Protection Order Hearings: A Comparative Analysis of Victim Requests and Court Authorized Relief

Category: Domestic Violence, Firearm Policies|Journal: Journal of Family Violence|Author: D Yearwood|Year: 2005

This paper presents findings from a study on judicial dispositions of ex-parte orders and domestic violence protection order hearings. Findings are presented with an emphasis on delineating the types of relief which are requested by victims of domestic violence in relation to the types of relief which the courts grant. Results indicate that disparity exists between what types of relief victims request and the types of relief which are awarded by the courts. Research questions are analyzed in order to further define these discrepancies with diverse policy implications and further research issues being recommended as a result of these analyses.

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