Inside Gun Shows: What Goes on When Everybody Thinks Nobody’s Watching

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Inside Gun Shows: What Goes on When Everybody Thinks Nobody’s Watching

Category: Firearm Availability, Gun Markets|Journal: Violence Prevention Research Program (full text)|Author: G Wintemute|Year: 2009

Gun shows are surrounded by controversy. On the one hand, they are important economic, social and cultural events with clear benefits for those who attend. On the other, they provide the most visible manifestation of a largely unregulated form of gun commerce and, partly for that reason, are an important source of guns used in criminal violence. The intent of this report is to document the broad range of what actually takes place at gun shows, with an emphasis on activities that appear to pose problems for the public’s health and safety.

Inside Gun Shows combines a review of existing research with direct observations and photographic evidence. The data were gathered at 78 gun shows in 19 states, most of them occurring between 2005 and 2008. It was important to avoid a Hawthorne effect: change in what is being observed introduced by the process of observation itself. For that reason conversation was kept to a minimum; no attempts were made to induce the behaviors that are depicted; criminal activity, when observed, was not reported; the camera was kept hidden.

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