Handgun Carrying Among Youth in the United States: An Analysis of Subtypes

GVPedia Study Database

Handgun Carrying Among Youth in the United States: An Analysis of Subtypes

Category: Concealed Carry, Youth|Journal: Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice (full text)|Author: B Boutwell, C Salas-Wright, M Curtis, M DeLisi, M Vaughn|Year: 2016

Despite a wealth of research finding that adolescents who carry handguns are involved in risky behaviors, there has been little exploration into the heterogeneity of this behavior. Using a pooled sample of 12- to 17-year-olds from the National Study on Drug Use and Health who report past-year handgun carrying (N = 7,872), this study identified four subgroups of handgun carriers: low risk (n = 3,831; 47.93%), alcohol and marijuana users (n = 1,591; 20.16%), fighters (n = 1,430; 19.40%), and severe externalizers (n = 1,020, 12.51%). These subgroups differed on demographic, behavioral, and psychosocial characteristics. Findings are discussed in light of prevention and focused deterrence.

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