Laws restricting large ammunition magazines for semiautomatic weapons are intended to reduce firearm deaths and injuries by preventing gun attacks involving high numbers of shots. However, data on shootings from high-volume gunfire (HVG) incidents are extremely limited. This study examined gunshot victimisations resulting from HVG attacks (>10 shots fired) using police data on shootings in Minneapolis, Minnesota from January through August 2014 (n=135 to 167). Shots fired estimates were generated from police reports based on physical evidence recovered, reported gunshot victims, and accounts of witnesses and actors. HVG incidents accounted for 20%–28% of victims and were more likely to involve multiple victims. Most HVG cases seemed likely to have involved a gun with a large capacity magazine though these data were limited. Restricting large ammunition magazines may have greater potential for preventing shootings than previously estimated, but further studies of this issue are needed.
Gunshot victimisations resulting from high-volume gunfire incidents in Minneapolis: findings and policy implications
GVPedia Study Database
Gunshot victimisations resulting from high-volume gunfire incidents in Minneapolis: findings and policy implications
Category: Crime, Firearm Policies, Homicide, Injury|Journal: Injury Prevention|Author: C Koper, J Egge, K Stesin, W Johnson|Year: 2018