Exploratory comparison between fatal and non-fatal cases of intimate partner violence

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Exploratory comparison between fatal and non-fatal cases of intimate partner violence

Category: Domestic Violence, Homicide, Injury|Journal: Conflict and Peace Research, Journal of Aggression (full text)|Author: J Stewart, S Jung|Year: 2019


Much has been written about intimate partner homicide (IPH), but empirical examinations have been less rigorous and mostly descriptive in nature. The purpose of this paper is to provide an exploration of the characteristics of fatal intimate partner violence (IPV) cases.



A direct comparison of fatal IPHs with both a matched sample of non-fatal IPV cases and a random selection of non-fatal IPV cases is made on a number of offence, offender, victim characteristics and risk-relevant variables.



Despite assertions that domestic homicide is different than domestic violence, in general, few notable differences emerged among the groups. Prior domestic incidents differed between the matched fatal and non-fatal cases, where a greater proportion of the homicide perpetrators had a prior domestic incident. Other differences that were found revealed that more non-fatal perpetrators had substance abuse problems, younger victims and been unemployed at the time of the offence. However, differences were minimal when fatal and non-fatal IPV perpetrators were matched on demographic features and criminal history.



This study highlights that there may be few features that distinguish IPH and non-fatal violence. Rather than be distracted with searching for risk factors predictive of fatality, we should evaluate IPV risk using broad-based approaches to determine risk for reoffending and overall severity of reoffending.

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