Beginning in November 2012, New Haven, Connecticut, served as the pilot site for Project Longevity, a statewide focused deterrence gun violence reduction strategy. The intervention brings law enforcement, social services, and community members together to meet with members of violent street groups at program call-ins. Using autoregressive integrated moving average models and controlling for the possibility of a non-New Haven–specific decline in gun violence, a decrease in group offending patterns, and the limitations of police-defined group member involved (GMI) categorization of shootings and homicides, the results of our analysis show that Longevity is associated with a reduction of almost five GMI incidents per month. These findings bolster research confirming the efficacy of focused deterrence approaches to reducing gun violence.
Evaluating the Effect of Project Longevity on Group-Involved Shootings and Homicides in New Haven, Connecticut
GVPedia Study Database
Evaluating the Effect of Project Longevity on Group-Involved Shootings and Homicides in New Haven, Connecticut
Category: Crime, Homicide, Injury|Journal: Crime & Delinquency (full text)|Author: A Papachristos, M Sierra-Arevalo, Y Charette|Year: 2017