We assessed the effect of the One Vision One Life program on violence by comparing target areas with comparison areas constructed by propensity scores and by program staff recommendations, and by examining areas adjacent to the target areas. We found the program was not associated with changes in homicide but was associated with increases in aggravated and gun assaults. Whereas aggravated assaults increased in one spillover area and decreased in another, gun assaults increased in one spillover area and did not statistically change in the other. The findings raise several critical issues for similar and future initiatives. Among others, these include the transferability of success in programs elsewhere and elements missing in the Pittsburgh implementation. Successful results from similar programs suggest the promise of these programs, whereas the Pittsburgh results suggest the need for continued rigorous evaluation.
Community-driven violence reduction programs: Examining Pittsburgh’s One Vision One Life
GVPedia Study Database
Community-driven violence reduction programs: Examining Pittsburgh’s One Vision One Life
Category: Crime, Homicide, Injury|Journal: Criminology & Public Policy|Author: J Wilson, S Chermak|Year: 2011