College counselors’ perceptions and practices regarding anticipatory guidance on firearms

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College counselors’ perceptions and practices regarding anticipatory guidance on firearms

Category: Behavior, Homicide, Suicide, Youth|Journal: Journal of American College Health (full text)|Author: A Mrdjenovich, A Thompson, J Dake, J Price|Year: 2009


This study assessed college counselors’ anticipatory guidance on firearms for student clients.



The membership of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors was used to identify a national random sample of counseling centers (n = 361). One counselor from each center was selected to survey.



In the winter of 2008, a 3-wave mailing procedure was used to maximize the response rate. Completed surveys served as consent (as approved by the University Human Subjects Committee).



A total of 213 counselors (59%) responded. They were unlikely to provide anticipatory guidance (6%), chart/keep records on client ownership/access to firearms (17%), or to counsel the majority of clients from various diagnostic categories on firearms.



University personnel are likely to refer students with suspected mental health problems to university counseling centers. The findings indicate that few counseling centers will address firearm issues with students.

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