Following the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech, policymakers have sought ways to improve safety on college and university campuses nationwide. Among the more recent proposals is to permit concealed handgun licensees to carry on campus. To date, eight states have enacted legislation implementing this measure. A limited body of research considers the perceptions of students and other members of the campus community about these laws and their passage. The present study seeks to offer a new perspective, assessing student opinions about the recently passed legislation in Texas and whether they would support such a law in a state with strict gun control measures in place. The results indicate that while students collectively did not support concealed carry on their campus, males, Republicans, and gun owners were significantly more likely to express attitudes favorable of the law. Policy implications for its implementation, as well as limitations of the study, are considered.
Armed and academic: Perceptions of college students on concealed carry on campus policies
GVPedia Study Database
Armed and academic: Perceptions of college students on concealed carry on campus policies
Category: Concealed Carry, Firearm Policies|Journal: Journal of School Violence|Author: J Schildkraut|Year: 2018