An evaluation of the 1977 Canadian firearms legislation

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An evaluation of the 1977 Canadian firearms legislation

Category: Firearm Policies, Homicide, International|Journal: Evaluation Review|Author: G Mauser, R Holmes|Year: 1992

This article uses a pooled cross-section, time-series model to evaluate the effect of the 1977 Canadian firearms legislation on the provincial homicide rate between 1969 and 1989. This type of model was selected because of its ability to capture variation across space as well as time. The indices included in this model, measured at the provincial level, as independent variables are: unemployment rate, percentage Status Indian, percentage immigrant, percentage male youth, the clearance rate. The results are consistent with the findings of most previous studies that the 1977 Canadian firearms legislation did not have a significant effect on homicide rates. The strongest explanatory factors were percentage Status Indian and male youth.

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