Despite their exceptional rarity, high-profile mass murders, particularly those involving firearms, are often linked to deficiencies in our mental health system and gun laws. In this article, we consider the tenuous connections between severe mental illness, gun...
The aim of this study was to investigate sexual orientation differences in gun ownership and gun safety beliefs among U.S. adults. We used information from the General Social Survey (2010–2016) to assess presence of guns in the household, personal gun ownership, and...
Firearms in situations of domestic violence (DV) are particularly lethal. Although firearms present a public health concern nationally, some states, such as Arizona, have especially high rates of intimate partner homicide (IPH). Despite empirical findings that...
There is extensive research on the correlates of gun ownership; however, less is known about the possible correlates of gun ownership among individuals who do not at present own firearms, but may be open to owning guns in the future. To that end, this study uses...
Firearm-related injury is a significant public health problem within the United States. Efforts to reduce the burden of firearm injury and violence are limited in large part by a lack of robust data, providing an incomplete representation of its magnitude within the...