After Newtown-public opinion on gun policy and mental illness

The horrific loss of life at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012 has prompted a national conversation about guns and mental illness in the United States. This tragedy occurred less than 6 months after 70 people were shot in a movie...

Mortality among Recent Purchasers of Handguns

Background There continues to be considerable controversy over whether ownership of a handgun increases or decreases the risk of violent death. Methods We conducted a population-based cohort study to compare mortality among 238,292 persons who purchased a handgun in...

Suicide in the Home in Relation to Gun Ownership

Background It has been suggested that limiting access to firearms could prevent many suicides, but this belief is controversial. To assess the strength of the association between the availability of firearms and suicide, we studied all suicides that took place in the...

Gun Ownership as a Risk Factor for Homicide in the Home

Background It is unknown whether keeping a firearm in the home confers protection against crime or, instead, increases the risk of violent crime in the home. To study risk factors for homicide in the home, we identified homicides occurring in the homes of victims in...
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