Unintentional Firearm Deaths in California

We conducted a two-part study of unintentional firearm deaths in California. First, we analyzed death certificate data for the 688 unintentional firearm deaths of California residents occurring during 1977–1983. Mortality rates were 7.5 for males, 0.9 for females, 4.8...

Urban Firearm Deaths: A Five-Year Perspective

Firearm violence is an ever-increasing element in the lives of the U.S. urban population. This study examined the trends in firearm violence and victims during a 5-year period in the city of Philadelphia. Medical Examiner records of all deaths in Philadelphia County...

Initial and Subsequent Hospital Costs of Firearm Injuries

Objective To provide economic, epldemiologic, and clinical data on initial and subsequent hospitalizations for firearm injuries. Design Nonconcurrent prospective study; data obtained by medical records review. Setting Public university teaching hospital, designated a...
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