Comments on the article by P. J. Carrington and S. Moyer regarding guns, suicide and the need for gun control legislation in Canada. Although Rich and Young applaud the efforts of Carrington and Moyer to follow their direction and expand the time interval around the...
Objective In recent years, mass shootings by persons with serious mental illness have received extensive news media coverage. The authors test the effects of news stories about mass shootings on public attitudes toward persons with serious mental illness and support...
The authors describe suicide rates in Toronto and Ontario and methods used for suicide in Toronto for 5 years before and after enactment of Canadian gun control legislation in 1978. They also present data from San Diego, Calif., where state laws attempt to limit...
To assess the impact of the 1978 Canadian gun control law on suicide rates in Ontario, the authors compared firearm and nonfirearm suicide rates for 1965-1977 with those for 1979-1989. There was a decrease in level and trend over time of firearm and total suicide...
Objective Firearms are the most common method of suicide among young men in Switzerland. From March 2003 through February 2004, the number of Swiss soldiers was halved as a result of an army reform (Army XXI), leading to a decrease in the availability of guns...