Objective In this study, we examine how attitudes about race, as well as ethno-racial identities, influence support for various gun regulation policies. Drawing on the Racial Resentment and identity politics literature, we argue that attitudes about gun control are...
Introduction Stand your ground (SYG) and castle doctrine (CD) laws are presently growing throughout the United States. The present study aims to better understand public perceptions of SYG and CD cases and demographic factors that influence judicial decision making....
Objective Are increases in citizen demand for guns a boon to advocates of firearms deregulation? We examine this question via state firearms legislation approved between 2009 and 2013, a period marked both by state activism regarding firearms and large surges in the...
Objective Gun control advocacy regularly escalates in the aftermath of a mass shooting. But is the American public more susceptible to pro-gun-control arguments in the wake of mass gun violence? Methods We analyze a survey experiment fielded immediately before and...
Objective Individuals develop causal narratives that help explain events, behaviors, and conditions. Individuals ascribe events and behaviors to controllable components, such as individual choice, or uncontrollable components, such as broader forces in the...