Objective According to a recent psychological model of defensive gun ownership, the perceived need to own a gun for self-defense corresponds with two independent construals of threat: specific threats, namely the Perceived Lifetime Risk of Assault (PLRA), and diffuse...
Objective Although gun laws that disarm abusers following a protective order may reduce the risk of fatalities, this procedure is not uniform. To better understand this process, we adapted the health belief model to investigate how key community professionals’...
Objective In light of public concern about school shootings, this study examined the prevalence and offense characteristics of multiple casualty homicides across locations. Method We used the FBI’s National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) to examine...
Trendspotting has its place in the scientific world. It is 1 way of recognizing the uptake of innovations, and observing broad patterns rather than focusing on particular topics also helps to address the problem of knowledge management in an era of information...