Our objective in this study was to evaluate how well proxy variables for firearm ownership used in county-level studies measure firearm ownership. We applied Bayesian spatial smoothing methods to calculate county-level estimates of household firearm ownership using...
Violence is a serious public health issue in the U.S. This research compares the US and other high-income countries in terms of violent death. We used data from the World Health Organization for populous, high-income countries. Data from CDC’s WISQARS...
Highlights 22.1% of US adults are gun owners and 72.5% favor permit-to-purchase legislation. 55.4% of US gun owners also favor permit-to-purchase legislation. US gun owners are more likely to be male, non-Hispanic white, and conservative. Women, minorities, and...
Highlights •In US intimate partner homicides, the firearm to non firearm ratio is higher with female victims than with male victims. •Stricter firearm laws are associated with lower ratios of firearm to non-firearm use. •Lax targeted firearm legislation is associated...
Highlights •Known information about suicide permits estimates of previously unknown relationships. •90% of firearm suicides occur among members of gun owning households. •Yet only 20% of their suicide attempts are with firearms. •Among non-owning households, 1%...