Gun Acquisition and Possession in Selected Juvenile Samples

Questionnaires were voluntarily and anonymously completed by 835 male serious offenders incarcerated in six juvenile correctional facilities in four States. A total of 758 male students in 10 inner-city high schools near the correctional facilities also completed the...

The Kansas City Gun Experiment

Between July 1992 and January 1993, police patrols were increased in gun crime “hot spots” in the target area, an area with a homicide rate 20 times higher than the national average. The population in the target area was almost entirely nonwhite, with more...

Impact of the Bartley-Fox Gun Law on Crime in Massachusetts

The Bartley-Fox Law, enacted in Massachusetts in April, 1975, was intended to reduce the incidence of gun related crimes and illicit carrying of firearms. Investigation of crime statistics to assess the effect of the law requires the isolation of exogenous factors and...
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