Research Summary We examined petition and respondent characteristics from extreme risk protection order (ERPO) cases in Oregon for the 15 months after implementation (n = 93). Most petitions were filed by law enforcement (65%) a were more likely to be granted than...
We assessed the effect of the One Vision One Life program on violence by comparing target areas with comparison areas constructed by propensity scores and by program staff recommendations, and by examining areas adjacent to the target areas. We found the program was...
Research Summary We used data from the FBI’s Supplemental Homicide Reports and other publicly available databases to calculate state-level annual incidence of fatal mass shootings for 1984–2017. Negative binomial regression models were used to estimate the...
Research Summary This study uses a quasi-experimental design to evaluate the efficacy of Chicago’s Group Violence Reduction Strategy (VRS), a gun violence reduction program that delivers a focused-deterrence and legitimacy-based message to gang factions through...
Chapter 10 of The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society, titled “Control of Firearms,” is a brief but strong statement in support of regulating gun transactions, possession, and carrying, with several specific recommendations, including the adoption of universal gun...