Gun-related suicide and homicide are leading causes of death among children. Little is known about the effectiveness of screening for gun ownership in primary care. We examined positive gun ownership screens over a 2.5-year period in a pediatric primary care clinic....
In 2018, 1729 children under 18 years of age died as a result of firearm injuries. Of those children, 41% died as a result of firearm suicide or an unintentional firearm injury. When a child attempts suicide or unintentionally injures himself/herself with a firearm,...
Locked-up and unloaded firearm storage is a tenet of injury prevention campaigns to decrease children’s access to firearms. This study cohort describes the reported presence of, storage mechanisms for, and children’s perceived access to firearms. Parent-child dyads (n...
School shootings comprise a small proportion of childhood deaths from firearms; however, these shootings receive a disproportionately large share of media attention. We conducted a root cause analysis of 2 recent school shootings in the United States using lay press...