GVP University
Report: Concealed Carry Literature Review
A naïve count analysis of academic studies from 1995-2018 indicates an evenly split literature on whether RTC Laws reduce, increase, or have no effect on crime. Focus on modern studies (post 2005) with a national scope reveals that a majority find that RTC Laws...
Fact Sheet: Stand Your Ground Laws
A majority of states now have some form of Stand Your Ground Law The most consistent finding of academic studies is that Stand Your Ground laws increase homicides The overwhelming majority of academic studies find no deterrence effect on crime. Stand Your Ground laws...
Fact Sheet: Guns and Women
In the United States in 2016, 5,664 female firearm deaths were recorded – 3,291 suicides and 2,202 homicides. (The remainder were undetermined, unintentional, or legal intervention.) Access to firearms increases the risk of being a homicide victim more for women than...
Fact Sheet: Gun Ownership and Homicide
There were 14,415 firearm homicides in the US in 2016 Firearms make violent crime more lethal The US has significantly higher rates of homicide than other developed nations High gun ownership states have significantly higher firearm and overall homicide rates The...
Fact Sheet: The Frequency of Defensive Gun Use
There are 3 major estimates of Defensive Gun Use (DGU) frequency per year: Gary Kleck and private surveys: approximately 2.5 million. National Crime Victimization Survey: approximately 100,000. Gun Violence Archive (based on police and media reports): less than 2,000....
Fact Sheet: Gun Laws and Suicide
Aside from buybacks and laws that directly reduce gun ownership, firearm laws can only have an effect on the suicide rate of populations not previously exposed to firearms. Most firearm laws are not passed with reducing suicides as their primary intent, thereby...