Facts About Firearms Policy Initiative

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A “Category” has specific “Tags” within it. Selecting a “Category” and then selecting a “Tag” will return the tags from that category. For example, selecting “Assorted Gun Violence Research Myths” returns four responses but selecting the tag “Women” will return one response from the four specifically about women and gun violence research myths.
One need not select a “Category” first. A “Tag” will return a response without selecting a broader category.
MYTH: Universal background checks would not have stopped a single mass shooting

MYTH: Universal background checks would not have stopped a single mass shooting

FACT: A strong universal background check system that includes a permit-to-purchase requirement could have prevented half of the deadliest US mass shooters from acquiring the firearms used in the attacks.
MYTH: FBI Mass Shooting Definition

MYTH: FBI Mass Shooting Definition

FACT: The FBI does not have a definition for mass shootings, and John Lott does not follow the FBI definition for active shootings either.
MYTH: Right-to-Carry Laws Prevent Mass Shootings and Reduce Crime

MYTH: Right-to-Carry Laws Prevent Mass Shootings and Reduce Crime

FACT: The evidence suggests that right-to-carry laws are associated with more mass shootings and gun deaths.
MYTH: Nearly All Public Mass Shootings Occur in Gun-Free Zones

MYTH: Nearly All Public Mass Shootings Occur in Gun-Free Zones

FACT: John Lott misclassified multiple mass shootings, falsely claiming several European and American incidents occurred in gun-free zones.
MYTH: The FBI is Biased Against Guns and Skewed the Results of a Mass Shooting Report

MYTH: The FBI is Biased Against Guns and Skewed the Results of a Mass Shooting Report

FACT: John Lott’s false claim about the FBI’s Report stems from a fundamental mistake--the report studies active-shooting incidents, while Lott discusses mass shootings and mass murders.
MYTH: 98% of Mass Shootings Occur in Gun-Free Zones

MYTH: 98% of Mass Shootings Occur in Gun-Free Zones

FACT: Twelve to thirteen percent of mass shootings occur where guns are prohibited.
MYTH: Australia’s Gun Buyback Program Had No Benefits

MYTH: Australia’s Gun Buyback Program Had No Benefits

FACT: Reputable academic studies find that Australia’s buyback program was successful in reducing gun deaths.
MYTH: Europe and US Have Similar Rates of Public Mass Shootings

MYTH: Europe and US Have Similar Rates of Public Mass Shootings

FACT: Based on John Lott’s own data, the U.S. has twice the rate of mass shootings compared to Europe, contradicting Lott’s own claim.
MYTH: Americans Do Not Have More Mass Shootings than other Countries

MYTH: Americans Do Not Have More Mass Shootings than other Countries

FACT: Approximately 29.7% of worldwide public mass shootings by single perpetrators were committed in the U.S.
MYTH: Only 17% of guns used to commit crimes in Mexico originate in the U.S.

MYTH: Only 17% of guns used to commit crimes in Mexico originate in the U.S.

FACT: A 2009 GAO report found that 87% of Mexican crime guns over the previous five years came from the U.S.
MYTH: Gun owners shoot someone they know after mistaking them for an intruder between five to eleven times each year

MYTH: Gun owners shoot someone they know after mistaking them for an intruder between five to eleven times each year

FACT: Gun owners shoot someone they know more than 28 times a year, on average, after mistaking the person for an intruder .
MYTH: US Homicide Numbers are Inflated Compared to Other Countries Because of Defensive Gun Use

MYTH: US Homicide Numbers are Inflated Compared to Other Countries Because of Defensive Gun Use

FACT: The gap between the number of firearm homicides and murders reflects John Lott’s comparison of comprehensive CDC data with incomplete FBI data.
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