Facts About Firearms Policy Initiative

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A “Category” has specific “Tags” within it. Selecting a “Category” and then selecting a “Tag” will return the tags from that category. For example, selecting “Assorted Gun Violence Research Myths” returns four responses but selecting the tag “Women” will return one response from the four specifically about women and gun violence research myths.
One need not select a “Category” first. A “Tag” will return a response without selecting a broader category.
MYTH: Gun ownership does not increase the risk of suicide

MYTH: Gun ownership does not increase the risk of suicide

FACT: Research shows that gun ownership is a strong risk factor for suicide.
MYTH: Gun suicide is not more lethal than other means

MYTH: Gun suicide is not more lethal than other means

FACT: Attempted suicides by firearms have an 82.5% fatality rate, versus a fatality rate of 4% for all suicide attempts.
MYTH: Mass Shooters Target Gun-free Zones

MYTH: Mass Shooters Target Gun-free Zones

FACT: Mass shooters usually choose locations connected to a deep-seated emotional grievance or places where the shooter anticipates the presence of a large number of people.
MYTH: Since 2014, police have unintentionally shot only one concealed carry permit holder during a public attack

MYTH: Since 2014, police have unintentionally shot only one concealed carry permit holder during a public attack

FACT: Since 2016, law enforcement officers have wrongfully shot a concealed carry permit holder multiple times during public attacks.
MYTH: A concealed handgun permit holder has never shot the wrong person during an attack

MYTH: A concealed handgun permit holder has never shot the wrong person during an attack

FACT: GVPedia lists instances in which a concealed permit holder shot the wrong person.
MYTH: Concealed handgun permit holders commit virtually no crimes

MYTH: Concealed handgun permit holders commit virtually no crimes

FACT: Concealed handgun permit holders commit crimes more frequently than permit revocation rates indicate.
MYTH: Stand Your Ground laws reduce homicides

MYTH: Stand Your Ground laws reduce homicides

FACT: The most consistent finding of academic studies is that Stand Your Ground laws increase homicides and have no deterrent effect on crime.
MYTH: NRC found no evidence that any gun violence prevention laws work

MYTH: NRC found no evidence that any gun violence prevention laws work

FACT: The goal of the NRC study was to scrutinize the quality of scientific data, not to make conclusions about firearm policy.
MYTH: Gun bans always increase the murder rate

MYTH: Gun bans always increase the murder rate

FACT: Since passing strong gun laws in the 1940s and 1950s, Japan experienced significant a decrease in its murder rate and now has one of the lowest murder rates in the world.
MYTH: Child Access Prevention Laws Cost Lives

MYTH: Child Access Prevention Laws Cost Lives

FACT: The research consistently shows that safe storage laws prevent unintentional shootings and adolescent suicide.
MYTH: 99% of background check denials are errors

MYTH: 99% of background check denials are errors

FACT: According to the FBI and the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General, 99.8% of firearm background check denials are accurately denied.
MYTH: Banning large capacity magazines will do nothing to reduce fatalities in mass shootings

MYTH: Banning large capacity magazines will do nothing to reduce fatalities in mass shootings

FACT: John Lott’s own research shows that mass public shootings involving multiple guns and large-capacity magazines have three more deaths per incident than the next deadliest category of shooters’ weapons.
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